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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Madhubabu and his Telugu detective novels


   Madhubabu and his Telugu detective novels

Do you remember the time before TV and the internet? When the only options to pass your time was to a) go to the beach, b) hang out at the movies, c) read a good book, preferably a thriller. If you choose Option C, and are among those who actually remember those days or have been introduced to writers of that era, then you surely have heard of Madhubabu, the author of detective novels in Telugu.

The hero of his books 'Shadow', the detective, has left an indelible impression among his readers. Many an avid reader was educated by Madhubabu’s intimate description of the geography, the lifestyles of various countries and remote regions, though fictitious. This trendsetter in Telugu detective novels mesmerized his reader and made them feel like they were watching a movie while reading his novels.

Once the reader picked up a Madhubabu novel, anyone disturbing him had to do so at his/ her own peril. In fact, he developed a good fan following, with people asking for his latest books consistently. Circulating book libraries owed their popularity those days to Madhubabu's detective novels.

Though he shot to fame with his novels, he never revealed his identity and his photographs were never published anywhere in any medium. For the first time, the brain behind 'Shadow' has agreed to be photographed. After the success of animated films like Hanuman and Ghatotkacha, several filmmakers turned their attention towards children to woo family audiences.

Presently, this phenomenal writer has turned to films and is busy working for an animated film called Mooshi which is being produced under Mercury Entertainments banner. The script is nearing completion and it is likely to be brought out in all Indian languages. Once the script is ready, work on the movie would begin.

You can contact Mr. Madhubabu at

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