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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How Do I Increase Traffic to My Blog? - FAQ


User djinferno asked a question over at the Authority Blogger Forum that I know is on the minds of many bloggers.
It is a question I see a lot, expressed in many ways
“How do I promote my blog”
“What can I do to get more visitors?”
“How do you increase traffic?”
In the thread already there is some great comprehensive advice from glblbuy that I totally agree with. Do read the whole thing but here are a couple of the main points.
Have great content - everyone knows content is a pre-requisite but it is always surprising how many people put one post up on their blog then ask how to get more visitors right away!
Make yourself known - Fellow bloggers are your best quality source of free traffic and subscribers. Participate in forums and carnivals. Comment. Make friends and partnerships and get them to link and Stumble your posts.
Guest post - Once people know you a bit build on it by guest posting. By writing on other peoples blogs you build contacts, raise your profile and can help other people while helping yourself - win-win
Be easy to help - Make your content easy to skim and quote. Use bullets, bold areas, quotes. Provide easy to use social media buttons. When it comes to Digging you up, linking to you or stumbling your stuff if it seems like too much work nobody will do it!
Take advantage of the traffic when it comes - make sure your subscription options are prominent, welcome people, respond to comments, follow up with more good stuff

source from

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